Saturday, November 24, 2007

Welcome to a Hobby Called "BLOGGING"

Hello guys! At last!

After 3 or 4 months! I've made my 2nd blog ever.... haha!

Well... My first blog ever was on Friendster... Mostly filled w/ lyrics of songs that best described my feelings back then...

then suddenly I stopped.. Got tired of the same things I've been doing.. Everyday...

It counted almost 3 weeks.. more or less...

Then I found another interesting stuff on the net..

Answering questionnaires/surveys posted on Friendster's bulletin board...

It was really fun answering those poppycocks... It lasted for almos 2 months.. If I could remember well...

It was really cool.. and my friends went "Hey Bhenmar! All we can see in our bulletins is your face!" and went laughing out loud...

It really filled me in during boredom...

But then ... I wanted something new again...

There I decided to play flash games (for free) over the web.. It was nice and fun at first.. of course...

But playing the same games over and over again.. Damn! It was so nauseating...

Again, there I was.. Searching for a new avocation....

And there came BLOGGING...

I was a bit interested in trying the said hooey...

And eventually, the involvement grew bigger everyday...


I got an inspiration..

From our Argumentation and Debate professor...

I came home rushing... Filled with ideas on how my blog will be...

Thoughts keep poppin on my mind... One by one..


You're reading one of them...


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